Canada produces about 70 different mineral commodities, many of which are essential to our modern way of life. Of these, some are precious, while others are the base materials from which a large number of useful commodities and products are fashioned. Indeed, minerals can be said to be the very "building blocks of civilization".
Generally, they are divided into three categories: metals, non-metals and structural materials. Here are a few of them.
Antimony,... Bismuth,... Cadmium,... Cobalt,... Columbium,... Copper,... Gold,... Indium,... Iron Ore,... Iron remelt,... Lead,... Mercury, Molybdenum,... Nickel,... Platinum group,... Selenium,... Silver,... Tantalum,... Tellurium,... Tin,... Tungsten,... Uranium,... Zinc
Arsenious oxide,... Asbestos,... Barite,... Bentonite,... Coal, Diamonds,... Gemstones,... Gypsum,... Magnesitic dolomite, Magnesitic brucite,... Mica,... Nepheline syenite,... Peat,... Potash, Pyrite (pyrrhotite),... Quartz,... Salt,... Silica,... Soapstone,... Talc Pyrophyllite,... Sodium sulphate,... Sulphur in smelter gas,... ... ... Sulphur elemental,... Titanium dioxide, etc...
Structural Materials
Clay products,... Cement,... Lime,... Sand,... Gravel,... Stone